Dryfast fans
Proper ventilation is important for a pleasant and healthy climate at work. By ventilating spaces, harmful substances such as quartz-containing dust, welding smoke, paint vapours, carbon monoxide and cabon dioxide are removed. In addition to removing harmful substances, fans are also used in drying processes, transportation of cold or warm air, cooling by air displacement, etc.
What are our fans for?
Our wide range of fans allows for many different applications, such as: drying, heating, cooling, venting/aerating and dust extraction.

A wide range of fans

Most fans are multifunctional.

Available from low capacity to high capacity

Fans are available for the construction, rental, fire and water damage industries

A wide range of fans

Most fans are multifunctional.

Available from low capacity to high capacity

Fans are available for the construction, rental, fire and water damage industries
Various applications with the Dryfast fans
During the drying process, air displacement improves evaporation because saturated air from the drying surface is replaced with air that is not yet saturated with moisture. Add a dehumidifier or construction dryer to the room to enhance the drying process without disrupting the capillary action inside the material, which may happen when drying with heat. In large rooms with humidity issues, large axial fans are installed in order to circulate a large amount of air. When drying agricultural products such as grains and potatoes, a lot of resistance has to be overcome for a centrifugal/radial fan to be deployed.
For heating, fans can be deployed in several ways:
- By using air hoses to distribute warm air to multiple rooms from a central heat source. This requires radial fans because it takes a lot of pressure to blow warm air through flexible ventilation hoses.
- In high rooms, significant savings can be made on heating costs and better circulation can be achieved by pushing rising warm air back down.
Cooling / events
Axial fans are also frequently applied for workplace cooling in large storage, distribution and factory halls. The air displacement allows moisture from the workers’ skin to evaporate better and more quickly, which results in a cooling effect. In addition, warm air can be removed from or cooler air added to a space. Furthermore, Dryfast fans are used to cool party tents, roofed stages and even nightclubs during warmer months. Dryfast fans are also used in photo studios and on film sets for all kinds of wind/storm effects. The image displays a so-called storm wall, created with 16 stacked TTV2000 fans with a surface area of 16 m² and a total air displacement of no less than 320,000 m³.
Venting / aerating
When venting or aerating work areas, fans can be used to remove toxic fumes, dust and other harmful substances or to supply a lot of fresh air in order to ensure a safe workplace. Venting, aerating and filtration are frequently applied in construction works where quartz dust and other harmful substances are released. In addition to construction, industrial applications of venting and aeration include water purification, tunnels, freezing works with nitrogen and basements or crawl spaces. In many of these cases, the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment has mandated the use of fans.
Dust extraction / collection
Good working conditions reduce the risk of health problems, absenteeism and disability. They also contribute to improved motivation and productivity among staff. The Dutch Working Conditions Act (Arbowet) prescribes that dust-related problems must be addressed at the source and the choice of material must be based on a reduction of quartz dust. In the construction phase, one may seek alternative construction materials and mount dust extraction devices on drills and other equipment. For demolition and/or renovation, however, dust concentration reduction is the only permitted solution. Activities that generate dust include: grinding, milling, drilling, sawing, chopping, sanding, blasting as well as general activities such as sweeping, brushing and facade cleaning. We can use dust collection bags to solve problems with dust. These dust collection bags meet the most stringent requirements currently applied by the labour inspectorate. The dust bag is easy to mount and to clean for reuse. Other benefits include:
- dust extraction causes less nuisance and clutter
- dust extraction increases productivity through improved working conditions
The dust bags meet current requirements imposed by the labour inspectorate when it comes to workplace ventilation. In short, this means that the test was conducted in accordance with DIN-EN 60335-2-69 (L). The test result was: TLV = 0.1 mg/m³ with a maximum throughput of 0.5%.
Equipment choice
In order to displace a lot of air, we use axial fans with large air volume but little pressure. This allows for a limited number of hoses to be connected. Suitable models include the TTV4500 and the TTV7000. In order to build up pressure, we use the centrifugal fan which delivers a relatively lower amount of airflow but with more pressure. This allows you to connect more hoses and transport the air across larger distances. Suitable models include the TFV100, TFV300 and the TFV900. To determine what capacity and fan type you need, it is important to know the volume of the space in m33 and what the room is used for. If you need advice or more information, please get in touch with us.